Case Study
Revader Security supplied its Transit mobile CCTV cameras to Argoed Community Council in Flintshire.
The cameras are operated on a daily basis by the local police, primarily for the purposes of tackling antisocial behaviour and street crime.
Revader’s range of mobile cameras are ruggedised outdoor surveillance solutions which have been proven over many years to deter crime and secure the vital video evidence necessary for prosecution.
Die örtlichen Polizeikräfte setzen die Flotte mobiler Kameras in Argoed und Umgebung aktiv ein, um lang anhaltende Probleme mit unsozialem Verhalten und Kriminalität in der Gemeinde zu bekämpfen.
Police are able to regularly reposition each camera around the locality to respond to the movement of crime hotspots, and only minimal planning is required prior to deployment, since the units can be installed in virtually any location within minutes.
Rhodri Hampson-Jones, Clerk to the Council, said: “The mobile CCTV cameras supplied by Revader Security have proven to be highly effective. I would have no hesitation in recommending them to CCTV operators seeking to combat antisocial behaviour and criminality in the community”.
Nach den erfolgreichen Ergebnissen in der Region hat die Stadtverwaltung von Argoed Nachbestellungen getätigt, um ihren Bestand an mobilen Kameras aufzustocken. Die Stadtverwaltung wird während des gesamten Lebenszyklus der Produkte durch das technische Team von Revader Security umfassend unterstützt.